06:09 pm on Feb 8, 2011 | read the article | tags: remote
10:56 pm on Jan 31, 2011 | read the article | tags: music
the moody blues – knights in white satin (extender version)
11:00 am on Jan 21, 2011 | read the article | tags: remote
«social» din social media are aceeași origine ca în social democrație. mai mult, relația corporație – clienți folosește același principiu care a stat la baza tuturor revoluțiilor: puterea în mâinile celor mulți, lupta împotriva sistemului corupt. provocarea pentru companie este aplicarea algoritmului iliescu prin care sistemul își schimbă fața, nucleul rămânând neschimbat. pentru companiile în curs de dezvoltare rolul potrivit este de che guevarra, strategia putând să urmeze profilul revoluției cubaneze.
10:07 pm on Jan 8, 2011 | read the article | tags: howto
cool youtube thing: pause the video, then press and hold left or right arrow key and while holding, press and hold up or down arrow key. you’ll be able to play snake over the frozen frame =).
11:47 pm on Oct 17, 2010 | read the article | tags: music
the last shadow puppets – calm like you
10:57 pm on Oct 15, 2010 | read the article | tags: music
pink floyd – wish you were here; rainbow – the temple of the king; guns’n’roses – don’t cry; deep purple – child in time; various artists – my guitar gently weeps; eric clapton & phil collins – in the air tonight; eric clapton, phil collins, greg phillinganes & nathan east – white room; scorpions –wind of change
10:25 pm on Oct 14, 2010 | read the article | tags: replied
mai jos un grafic. pe orizontală sunt dobânzile (creșteri constante: de la 0.5%/an, la 9.5%/an) iar pe verticală e reprezentat timpul în ani pentru care suma inițială se dublează. același lucru e valabil pentru inflație (%) și prețuri.
inspirat de articolul de aici.
11:04 pm on Sep 7, 2010 | read the article | tags: replied
the plastic bag:
| read the article | tags: myth buxter
mit: oamenii obi?nui?i folosesc doar 10% din capacitatea creierului.
fals: dacă am folosi doar 10% din capacitatea creierului atunci ar trebui sa existe zone din creier de unde putem indep?rta neuronii fără a afecta comportamentul în vreun fel, lucru evident, fals.
info: sergio della sala. «mind myths: exploring popular assumptions about the mind and brain». 1999. wiley. pp. 3–24. isbn 0471983039.
07:22 pm on Jul 24, 2010 | read the article | tags: outside
i love the garmin etrex venture cx. first of all, i bought it with sightseeing in mind. i’ve used it for my euro-trip and it worked flawlessly. since recently i’m only part-time pedestrian and with my orientation abilities close to zero i’ve searched for a good gps solution. as an iphone user i’ve got myself the i go my way app. which is quite nice, but so slow that i’d rather use google maps instead of it. anyways, i’ve setup my etrex and was surprised by the accuracy and easiness it gets me to my destination. it doesn’t have the fancy voice feature (which i find very annoying) just some proximity beeps. but instead, it works very fast, it’s gps signal is excellent most of the time (rarely, near tall buildings it gets lost, but only for a few seconds), you have “tracks” that you can follow to get back from where you’ve started, it keeps a log of your trip, with nice features like average speed on segments as small as 1 meter and even elevation, and mostly, for me, it fits right in my air outtake from left of the steering wheel, without any adapters. and yes, it keeps the lighter plug open, as it uses two aa batteries, either alkaline or rechargeable nimh that will go for at least one day (24h) of heavy use. if you’re thinking of getting one, the venture cx is discontinued, but you can choose whatever etrex gadget with “cx” designation (i recommend vista hcx).
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