bogdan's (micro)blog

bogdan » php string output speed test

11:54 pm on Feb 14, 2017 | read the article | tags:

during the development of a new resource-sensitive project, i wondered what is the best PHP string output method and thus compared the following:

/*  A: */	printf ('some value %d != %d' . "\n", $c, $c+1); 
/*  B: */	vprintf ('some value %d != %d' . "\n", [ $c, $c+1 ]); 
/*  C: */	vprintf ('some value %d != %d%s', [ $c, $c+1, "\n" ]); 
/*  D: */	echo sprintf ('some value %d != %d' . "\n", $c, $c+1); 
/*  E: */	echo vsprintf ('some value %d != %d' . "\n", [ $c, $c+1 ]); 
/*  F: */	echo vsprintf ('some value %d != %d%s', [ $c, $c+1, "\n" ]);
/*  G: */	echo 'some value ' . $c . ' != ' . ($c+1) . "\n";
/*  H: */	echo "some value $c != " . ($c+1) . "\n";
/*  I: */	?>some value <?php echo $c; ?> != <?php echo $c+1; ?>
<?php ?>

each statement was run inside a for loop, for one million cycles, for a total number of five times. the results were as follows:

0.4260 0.5836 0.6412 0.4333 0.5896 0.6781 0.4449 0.4182 0.0361
0.4220 0.6012 0.6631 0.4302 0.6210 0.6805 0.4385 0.4100 0.0361
0.4205 0.6083 0.6674 0.4306 0.6245 0.6935 0.4379 0.4168 0.0378
0.4364 0.6098 0.6697 0.4456 0.6752 0.7455 0.4530 0.4134 0.0361
0.4299 0.5964 0.6594 0.4384 0.5793 0.6538 0.4485 0.4185 0.0365

on average, the best I is 11.37 times faster than the next, followed by H, A, D, G, B, E, C and F, which is worst, 18.90 times slower than I.

bogdan » my ym! client, pidgin, stopped working l …

12:24 pm on Jun 19, 2009 | read the article | tags:

my ym! client, pidgin, stopped working last night. blame it on vista’s updates. after googling the issue, i’ve found this fix: map scs.msg.yahoo.com manually to in your etc/hosts file (both windows and linux)

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