09:24 pm on Sep 10, 2009 | read the article | tags: me, music
sometimes tears are not enough to wash the things that stained your soul..
as sometimes is not enough to love and be loved..
11:52 pm on Sep 9, 2009 | read the article | tags: music
still a little sad,
fort minor – remember the name*
12:51 am on Sep 8, 2009 | read the article | tags: me
him – join me in death
07:45 pm on Sep 6, 2009 | read the article | tags: me, remote
for a project with chief to test some nlp, i’ve built a small instrumentation amplifier to measure bio-signals (ekg and eeg). everything is build using already soldered modules because of my laziness =). the tutorial will follow.
11:15 am on Sep 5, 2009 | read the article | tags: me, remote
«încarcă-ți telefonul la soare!» began yesterday. today, we’re in tineretului garden, șincai entrance.
07:35 pm on Sep 1, 2009 | read the article |
two nice pictures..
canon 50mm/f1.8…
03:58 pm on Aug 24, 2009 | read the article | tags: music
don’t know how i missed this video. chris isaak – baby did a bad bad thing. i love the video also, although not the original and missing laetitia casta.
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presented myself in front of public order commission at bucharest general city hall. happy to announce that on 4th, 5th and 6th of september, in 3 major parks, pro-youth will install a solar panel so you can charge up your phone from the sun.
08:18 pm on Aug 23, 2009 | read the article | tags: replied
a small calculation made with the below calculator. in romania, there are at least 26,186,000 mobile terminals (june 2009, source zf). to recharge your phone, you need at least 8wh and with a two-day recharge cycle (average) you get 1.456kwh/year. after calculating, 1,030,203.64 trees are needed to absorb all that co2.
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what’s your CO2 footprint from electricity usage?
kWh kg of CO2 or trees work for a year to clean it
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