11:42 pm on Apr 22, 2009 | read the article | tags: replied
@mee: the source.
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ever wanted to know how much a professor at the university of bucharest earns? here’s a small list. e.zamfir together with c.zamfir (sociology, head of department, prof.) earns 793429 lei for 2007 (budget sourced only). m.logofatu together with b.logofatu (credis, head of department, assoc. prof.) secured 272994 lei in 2007 (budget sourced only) according to the mrs. while mr. b.logofatu states that both earned 186534 lei in 2007. to get a better view, i.panzaru (rector, univ. of bucharest, prof.) raised 106689 lei in 2007.
03:39 pm on Apr 21, 2009 | read the article | tags: clothes
marks & spencer trousers: 32(waist)/31(inside leg). 225 lei.
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since yesterday, the fishy smell raised over today: big meeting coming up (@5pm), a sour introspection, tons of work to be done. hope it will end soon.
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ightwish: crimson tide/deep blue sea
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a little pissed off. i guess parazitii were right: the dick does taste better in a bmw.
11:45 pm on Apr 18, 2009 | read the article | tags: friends
hristos a înviat!
11:26 pm on Apr 17, 2009 | read the article | tags: me, replied
in valcea now. @marian and raluca. the internet is buggy (damn this orange «hi quality» network). tomorrow i’ll probably switch on vodafone. at least they have 3g. i think
| read the article | tags: poems
«[…]if a man finishes a poem, he shall bathe in the blank wake of his passion and be kissed by white paper.» the new poetry handbook, by mark strand
08:06 pm on Apr 16, 2009 | read the article | tags: me
free as the bird in the sky =). big dilemma: where should i spend the easter?
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