08:23 am on Apr 6, 2009 | read the article | tags: me
my birthday. 25yr. busy day like usual.
09:18 am on Apr 4, 2009 | read the article | tags: me
i think i’ll post not so often this weekend. i’m getting closer to the 25yr threshold. only days away.. i feel a little old and depressed. but it will pass. last night was ok, but only through the perspective of spending some time with old friends.
10:10 pm on Apr 3, 2009 | read the article | tags: replied
party. it should be “yeei..” but it’s more like “do’h..”. hate it. hope i will drink enough so i will be able to enjoy myself. a jack please, on rocks..
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the first «ublo» shirt was handed to the dacia history students association for the pyramid they’ve built at the education fair.
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the first «ublo» t-shirt is ready. i will hand it as a prize today, at university of bucharest’s education fair, for the friendliest host.
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and placebo on june 22nd, at «romexpo»
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he he he (i usually use «hi hi hi», but this is english): gogol bordello is singing in bucharest: 17th june, at «arenele romane».. would you like to come?
02:39 pm on Apr 2, 2009 | read the article | tags: music
c-a venit vorba de rosenrot. ?tiai că e filmat în românia?
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i could wipe out the earth with just a glimpse. yes, i am that upset. instead i decided to listen to music. don niño: porque te vas. emil kusturica: bubamara. rammstein: rosenrot.
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ok. today is protest day. students are protesting against the system. others are protesting against them. i am protesting by waking up late. i hate students’ protests anyway. what studens? =)
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