12:17 am on Apr 2, 2009 | read the article | tags: sexaid
good breakfast for a sweet(!) blowjob: 1 cup of pineapple juice / 1 cup of mango juice / 1 banana / half of cucumber (peeled) / half spoon of vanilla / 2 spoons of honey. the man should eat this at least 3 mornings in a row. results? i’ll let you tell me =) (via violet blue)
08:18 pm on Apr 1, 2009 | read the article | tags: remote
| read the article | tags: arts, music
ah.. when i was little my dream was to be a musician. it’s still is. or a playboy photographer. i got myself a camera, but didn’t quite find the right music instrument to play at. andre michelle wrote this nice flash app which made me think i could have been the greatest techno artist ever. enjoy!
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croatian seaside anyone? preparing a trip to pula late in august @230€/person. leave a comment if you’d like to join.
| read the article | tags: contest, me
un prieten îmi spune că «ubog» în rusă înseamnă «umil». am avut o discuție interesantă despre originea cuvântului (în croată «u» înseamnă «la», iar «bog» «dumnezeu»). ții minte concursul cu tricoul? nu trebuie decât să mă ajuți să-mi schimb numele. propunerile le aștept sub formă de comentarii.
| read the article | tags: music
ah.. good music always cheers me up. tonight’s selection includes bregovic & kayah: to nie ptak, nash didan: a window of my dreams, david coverdale: give me all your love and paco de lucia, john mclaughlin, al di meola: mediterranean sun dance
07:44 pm on Mar 31, 2009 | read the article | tags: arts, remote
legi și fotografi:
legea care protejează imaginile pe internet 8/1996 (art. 7, lit. F), locurile publice sunt definite în Codul Penal, art. 154, conceptul de «privacy» apare în directiva EC, art. 12 și 14. cam atât.
| read the article | tags: subway
instead of changing name for those stops, metrorex should make some signs with directions..
| read the article | tags: subway
tube reading milton lehrer: ardealul pamant romanesc, 1xlibertatea, 2xcancan, 1xgsp
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i’ve just missed the train. no more than 2 min later anotherone came. work, work!=)
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