09:38 am on May 14, 2009 | read the article | tags: subway
sometimes i’m so lazy =).. don’t have the will to do anything.. ah, ol’ asub is meeting today @5.00pm..
09:49 am on May 13, 2009 | read the article | tags: subway
i bet i can be a pretty good fortune teller =).. “today you have to listen to those around you and change your mood accordingly” =)
02:51 pm on May 12, 2009 | read the article | tags: subway
to the institute =).. don’t worry, there’s no sugar =p
| read the article | tags: subway
fashion: transparent tshirt with colored stuffed bra beneath =)
| read the article | tags: friends
a început asubfest. și dacă tot suntem la capitolul amintiri..
03:00 pm on May 11, 2009 | read the article | tags: subway
on my way to the institute.. fixing some school problems.. tired. .
02:11 am on May 9, 2009 | read the article | tags: friends
this post is for those close to me in the last two weeks..
09:53 am on May 8, 2009 | read the article | tags: subway
i hate the smell of the subway.. rotten corpse diluted in piss.. i’m afraid of the summer.. a2 meeting at 12 o’clock..
04:32 pm on May 7, 2009 | read the article | tags: subway
it’s raining man =) without an umbrella and only in a t-shirt i’m going home thinking at my cat, some food and andra’s last post.. peace =)
04:51 pm on May 6, 2009 | read the article | tags: subway
can you make me happy?.. you just have to push them all away and move your hand through my hair..
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