03:22 pm on Apr 21, 2009 | read the article | tags: me
since yesterday, the fishy smell raised over today: big meeting coming up (@5pm), a sour introspection, tons of work to be done. hope it will end soon.
| read the article | tags: music
ightwish: crimson tide/deep blue sea
| read the article | tags: replied
a little pissed off. i guess parazitii were right: the dick does taste better in a bmw.
11:45 pm on Apr 18, 2009 | read the article | tags: friends
hristos a înviat!
11:26 pm on Apr 17, 2009 | read the article | tags: me, replied
in valcea now. @marian and raluca. the internet is buggy (damn this orange «hi quality» network). tomorrow i’ll probably switch on vodafone. at least they have 3g. i think
| read the article | tags: poems
«[…]if a man finishes a poem, he shall bathe in the blank wake of his passion and be kissed by white paper.» the new poetry handbook, by mark strand
08:06 pm on Apr 16, 2009 | read the article | tags: me
free as the bird in the sky =). big dilemma: where should i spend the easter?
| read the article | tags: sexaid
din cauza asta mi-am amintit de un articol scris acum ceva vreme.
06:51 pm on Apr 15, 2009 | read the article | tags: music, sexaid
(@andra) hess is more: yes boss
| read the article | tags: subway
i’ve done my good deed today.. the subway is awfully crowded yet being quite late.. on top of it i thought today’s thursday =)
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