08:17 am on Mar 27, 2009 | read the article | tags: remote
550 years of bucharest. working on the new face of ccs.ro, i found an interesting (at first sight) post about bucharest blogger’s day. i’ve registered only for the free movie tickets =). hope i didn’t misread.
09:05 pm on Mar 26, 2009 | read the article | tags: music
pink floyd: wish you were here (from here: xuri.ro/T)
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via newsin: the students are preparing a strike if the scholarship won’t be increased with 15%. how many do you think will strike? =)
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i’m sweating in the tube stop. raicu is looking at me from this ad for books. i hate these campaigns where culture is promoted only cause it’s in.
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via zoso: cosmote a cumpărat cu 10.000€ gazeta. în același trust(end), radiozu vinde 56 de spoturi unei organizații studențești cu 4.338€. că «studenții are bani, dom’le… și e criză»
| read the article | tags: me
strange dreams last night. with elves. made me happy. =)
09:42 am on Mar 25, 2009 | read the article | tags: remote
primul blog analog: alfred sirleaf, liberia.
11:00 pm on Mar 24, 2009 | read the article | tags: sci-tech
rosetta stone. well, not quite. it’s rosetta dvd in a cool glass/stainless-steel spherical covering. for those who know what i’m talking about, here.
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taste of a woman: healthy, juicy women will have a slightly sweet, slightly pungent scent, very near that of plain yogurt (via tinynibbles). responsible for this: lactobacilli, the same bacteria found in yogurt. for scent, visit vulva
| read the article | tags: music, muviz
leonard cohen – hallelujah! didn’t see the “watchmen” yet, but i’ve listened the song from the sex scene =). here it is:
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