bogdan's (micro)blog


bogdan » i hate it when someone pretends to have …

07:52 pm on Oct 21, 2009 | read the article | tags:

i hate it when someone pretends to have forgotten me.


bogdan » oare cât de liniștiți trăiesc cei ca …

12:05 am on Oct 16, 2009 | read the article | tags:

oare cât de liniștiți trăiesc cei care susțineau campania de oprire a exploatării de la roșia montană? am văzut reclama la tv și mi-am adus aminte de asta. apoi, vag, de unul dintre «inițiatorii» programului care îmi povestea cât de mult s-a plimbat el prin europa să «raise awareness» pe banii corporațiilor/statului. cum poți să dormi când știi că ești motivul pentru care oamenii se târăsc în mizerie? cum poți să calci pe oameni să-ți faci o carieră?


bogdan » cu dedicație: «mankind have a gre …

09:24 pm on Oct 15, 2009 | read the article | tags: ,

cu dedicație: «mankind have a great aversion to intellectual labor; but even supposing knowledge to be easily attainable, more people would be content to be ignorant than would take even a little trouble to acquire it.» pentru generația nouă.


bogdan » by mistake i stumble upon this. yes, it …

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by mistake i stumble upon this. yes, it’s about environment and the only thing i ask you is «tell your friends!». here’s a short movie.


bogdan » nu știu dacă voi o urmăreați pe alic …

09:36 pm on Oct 11, 2009 | read the article | tags:

nu știu dacă voi o urmăreași pe alice. eu unul mă uitam pentru matei. pentru că îl cunosc. și mi se pare funny, și umpic aiurea că la puțin timp după ce m-am întâlnit cu el și-mi spune că nu e mulțumit de protv văd pe site că alice s-a despărțit de el. încerc să revin cu detalii =)


bogdan » ever wanted to know what a website needs …

10:44 pm on Sep 27, 2009 | read the article | tags: , ,

ever wanted to know what a website needs? most of you don’t know. so here it is. first, you need the files you want to show to the world. if you want just a blog, get them from here. second, get hosting. this should provide a dns service – to map your name to the server’s ip address – and the webserver that keeps your files. third, you need your domain name. from here. so don’t bug me anymore for this things. please!..


bogdan » a small calculation made with the below …

08:18 pm on Aug 23, 2009 | read the article | tags:

a small calculation made with the below calculator. in romania, there are at least 26,186,000 mobile terminals (june 2009, source zf). to recharge your phone, you need at least 8wh and with a two-day recharge cycle (average) you get 1.456kwh/year. after calculating, 1,030,203.64 trees are needed to absorb all that co2.


bogdan » sorin oprescu came to grozavesti today t …

01:26 pm on Aug 21, 2009 | read the article | tags: ,

sorin oprescu came to grozavesti today to see how the campus is reshaped. quick notes:

  • as the university of bucharest is close to insolvency, they should be grateful as no money came from its budget. from inside sources, the university cannot financial sustain simple task as tree cleaning.
  • the action is entirely some of my old friends’ «fault», as they lobbied the mayor for this to happen
  • i wonder how the university will maintain what was done as in two months they weren’t able to water the grass

bogdan » george, ai tot sprijinul meu, deși e ne …

08:36 pm on Jul 7, 2009 | read the article | tags:

george, ai tot sprijinul meu, deși e neînsemnat. felicitări pentru atitudine.


bogdan » interesting solution to housing problem: …

12:13 pm on Jun 22, 2009 | read the article | tags:

interesting solution to housing problem:

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