09:20 am on Nov 28, 2024 | read the article | tags: th!nk
lately, i’ve been reflecting on how we approach complex, open-ended questions, especially in professional settings. too often, we turn to quotes from books or social media posts for answers. while these can be inspiring, i think it’s important to remember that reading – and interpretation – is a deeply personal experience.
take literature as an example. in José Saramago’s Cain, there’s a striking scene where Eve exchanges sexual favors for food with angels. what does this mean? is it a critique of humanity’s “end justifies the means” pragmatism, or does it reveal the amorality of higher beings exploiting the powerless? depending on the reader, both interpretations – and likely many more – can coexist.
the same applies to advice on leadership or personal growth. quotes, like those we often see in LinkedIn posts or books, are filtered through the author’s experiences and biases. they may not fully apply to our unique situations. instead, i’ve found that deeper discussions and reflections, rooted in the specific context of the challenges we face, are far more valuable than trying to apply universal wisdom.
11:10 pm on Sep 6, 2011 | read the article | tags: th!nk
și-am mai găsit o cutie de cola zero în frigider …
| read the article | tags: th!nk
și-am mai găsit o cutie de cola zero în frigider …
12:03 pm on May 12, 2011 | read the article | tags: th!nk
cât de responsabili suntem, prin ceea ce publicăm pe internet, față de generațiile următoare? dacă peste câteva sute de ani supraviețuiește doar o parte din informație și generațiile viitoare încearcă să rezolve puzzle-ul și să stabilească modul nostru de viață? cât de departe vor fi de adevăr?
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