11:12 pm on Oct 7, 2009 | read the article | tags: howto
dunno why i put this under howto, cause i won’t give you any recipes today. i just want to say that i’ve recently bought an arduino. from here. i’ve managed to play a little with it and i’m trying to build a shield. and so far, i love it. ‘ll be back. with details =)
| read the article | tags: mobile fun
leapşa: în primul rând ar trebui să mă convingă cineva să merg la vot. altfel, eu aş vota cu năstase. pentru că avea stofă de preşedinte. sau cu patriciu. pentru că simte oportunităţile şi e liberal. cât despre candidaţii reali, geoană şi antonescu sunt slabi – probabil au deja deal-uri cu băse, iar oprescu nu e decât un alt băsescu. dau mai departe pentru chief, moşu’ şi flavius.
09:46 pm on Oct 4, 2009 | read the article | tags: howto
acte necesare pentru eliberarea certificatului de atestare fiscală:
1. cerere tip; 2. copie cod fiscal; 3. copie carte de identitate; 4. dovada de sediu social; 5. declarație pe propria răspundere că societatea nu deține puncte de lucru cu obligații declarative; 6. împuternicire; 7. timbre fiscale, 2×4 lei; 8. dosar cu șină.
10:56 am on Sep 29, 2009 | read the article | tags: howto
i had lots of problems shoving movies on my ipod. seems like i found the recipe. also works for samsung omnia. with ffmpeg.
ffmpeg \ -i "input.avi" \ -b "768k" \ -s "400x226" \ -vcodec libxvid \ -r 25 \ -ab "128k" \ -acodec libfaac \ -ac 2 \ -ab "64k" \ -f mp4 \ -y "output.mp4"
10:44 pm on Sep 27, 2009 | read the article | tags: howto, me, replied
ever wanted to know what a website needs? most of you don’t know. so here it is. first, you need the files you want to show to the world. if you want just a blog, get them from here. second, get hosting. this should provide a dns service – to map your name to the server’s ip address – and the webserver that keeps your files. third, you need your domain name. from here. so don’t bug me anymore for this things. please!..
03:22 pm on Sep 26, 2009 | read the article | tags: me
you know you’re messed up when you wake up in the morning and you feel sorry for the being staring through the bathroom mirror..
| read the article | tags: muviz
few movies make you think after you’ve finished watching them. gran torino is one of those few.
08:27 am on Sep 23, 2009 | read the article | tags: muvis
«o zi bună se cunoaște de dimineață»
07:51 pm on Sep 14, 2009 | read the article | tags: me, music
smashing pumpkins – the beginning is the end is the beginning
i love the movie. i love the soundtrack. i love..
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