11:55 am on May 31, 2009 | read the article | tags: music
în vremurile când mișunam prin croația am descoperit ska-p (se pronun?? «escapes»). formația cu orientare de stânga, acum deja desființată, m-a introdus în ceea ce eu cred că se numește etno-punk. cu dedicație (pentru mizeriile din ultima vreme):
04:41 pm on May 30, 2009 | read the article | tags: away
bored like always. a little sleepy. i should get rid of.. lots of things =)
| read the article | tags: music
hmm.. this morning i woke up thirsty for blood =).. here’s seether with fallen.
09:58 am on May 29, 2009 | read the article | tags: subway
definitely up to something. muse. brasov or bust. weekend. sleep.
11:37 pm on May 27, 2009 | read the article | tags: muvis
.. «bă, mi-a zis învățătoarea la școală că poți să orbești de la asta, nu fii tâmpit!» ..
| read the article | tags: muvis, remote
this oxygen movie made me think a little. two can get you wet, isn’t it?
| read the article | tags: subway
just recovered my ipod. stuffed it with rocknrolla soundtrack. thinking at a2 project and at a weekend at mountains.
10:49 am on May 25, 2009 | read the article | tags: remote
i’m a big fan of ted. skimming through their movies i found this (mostly for my female friends =)):
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