06:48 pm on Apr 10, 2009 | read the article | tags: music
bob dylan: lay lady lay; james blunt: wisemem; b.b. king & eric clapton: help the poor; white stripes: in the cold, cold night; gogol bordello: madagascar (tu jésty fáta)
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remember the tom&jerry traps where through a complex mechanism jerry is (not) caught eating cheese? they have a name: rube goldberg contraptions. try search it on youtube =)
10:18 pm on Apr 9, 2009 | read the article | tags: replied
via dragos: maestrul și margareta. banc inițiatic. margareta: maestre, cu ce pot fi dezvirginată? maestrul: răspunsul e în tine, margareto!
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chief a pus și el ceva pe sait. e și rândul meu: fri gigi!
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i don’t know why i feel a little melancholic. song of the day, today is white stripes – one more cup of coffee. i’m not in the mood for the bob dylan version =)
11:36 pm on Apr 8, 2009 | read the article | tags: remote
university square: burning voronin’s image.
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romeo mosoiu is reading students league’s manifest. i’m quite impressed. i don’t see here ispas or nicu banicioiu.
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refuz, rezist. sunt anti-comunist!..
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