10:03 am on Mar 28, 2009 | read the article | tags: music
evan’s blue: cold; ballad of serenity (with lyrics:
take my love, take my land/take me where I cannot stand/i don’t care, i’m still free/you can’t take the sky from me)
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frank miller’s sin city (sua, 2005): i’ve remembered jessica alba’s dance in that bar. the song is fluke: absurd. the girl is more than beautiful. bruce willis sure is well as the good ol’ cop.
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jolene is one of my favorite songs ever. i like the version sung by dolly parton, but still, what jack white is doing with that guitar is wonderful. white stripes: jolene;
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watching: bruce lee – enter the dragon (hong kong/usa 1973)
09:09 pm on Mar 27, 2009 | read the article | tags: music
the legendary pink dots: i love you in your tragic beauty; handsome furs: the radio’s hot sun; the white stripes: black jack davey; loretta lyn & jack white: portland, oregon; tim white & jack gates: españa
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why bother caring for people as they don’t care if you do it or not?
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listening to ladytron: runaway / ghosts. waiting for the may 16th depeche mode concert.
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traininguri.ro ofer? 50% discount pentru programul «leaderul liderul de platin?»
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no interesting things today. it seams like my cold is over and i’m late at work.
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