bogdan's (micro)blog


udrago » one of my favorites videos – Grand Conte …

02:25 pm on Mar 23, 2009 | read the article | tags:

one of my favorites videos – Grand Content: http://xuri.ro/Q


bogdan » youtube channel

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one of my favorites youtube channels: ted director’s talk.


udrago » O cunoscuta de-ale mele, se alinta tot timp …

08:18 pm on Mar 22, 2009 | read the article | tags:

O cunoscuta de-ale mele se alinta tot timpul si foloseste diminutive ori de cate ori se poate. Adineauri mi-a spus ca i-a gatit prietenului “ciorbica de pasarica”.


udrago » Imi veni acum un text la corectat. Si da …

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Imi veni acum un text la corectat. Si dau peste expresia “asociat unic”. Pun mana pe telefon si intreb un prieten-avocat. Cica e corect, se foloseste. Eu raman la parerea ca e o expresie ce frizeaza schizofrenia.


udrago » Ca sa nu mai comentez, am fost promovat …

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Ca sa nu mai comentez, am fost promovat in functia de co-administrator. Inca o dovada ca cel ce scoate sabia, de sabie va pieri. Stau cu capul ne-plecat, sa pot fi comentat mai bine 😉


bogdan » backed potatoes: potatoes (microwaved fo …

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baked potatoes: potatoes (microwaved for 9-10 minutes), stuffing: mix shredded cheese, cream cheese, bell peppers and tomatoes for decoration.


bogdan » stuffed mushrooms: mushrooms (hats), stu …

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stuffed mushrooms: mushrooms (hats), stuffing (mix chopped stems with butter, cream cheese, onion and garlic). fill in the hats with the stuffing, put them on a plate with shredded cheese on top. microwave for 4-5 minutes.


bogdan » x-ray life

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ever wondered how life looks through x-rays?


bogdan » české centrum (czech-it.ro), @6.00pm: …

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?eské centrum (czech-it.ro), @6.00pm: out of the present (germany, 1995) – documentary about the “mir” program


bogdan » depeche mode: world in my eyes (source: …

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depeche mode: world in my eyes (source: youtube), david guetta: the world is mine (source: youtube), pet shop boys: go west (source: youtube), ladytron: runaway (source: =) )

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