11:58 am on Jun 5, 2009 | read the article | tags: remote
iniţiativa şefului m-a surprins (plăcut). totuşi, şefu’, data viitoare cand mai faceţi concursuri de felul acesta, daţi-mi un mail înainte şi vă trimit câteva detalii în legătură cu reclamele pe care le pot pune doritorii, pe care să le includeţi în regulament. cam atât. spor la blogging!
| read the article | tags: remote
wanna join the footer you see at the bottom of this page? just leave a comment @ this post =). up yours img experts!
01:38 pm on May 27, 2009 | read the article | tags: muvis, remote
this oxygen movie made me think a little. two can get you wet, isn’t it?
10:49 am on May 25, 2009 | read the article | tags: remote
i’m a big fan of ted. skimming through their movies i found this (mostly for my female friends =)):
10:59 pm on May 24, 2009 | read the article | tags: remote
just out of curiosity, the most played song at radiozu is «slow motion» by play and win, followed closely by «single lady» from dj layla and alissa. survey started on february 2nd and ended now =)
05:19 pm on Apr 13, 2009 | read the article | tags: remote
thinking bee.. thinking bee.. thinking bee.. =)
07:21 pm on Apr 12, 2009 | read the article | tags: remote
zbb. xo piano club. vicky. allen.
10:15 pm on Apr 11, 2009 | read the article | tags: remote
fără alte comentarii: odihnește-te în pace cezar.
08:19 am on Apr 10, 2009 | read the article | tags: remote
watashi wa zumojitekato. =)
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