08:46 am on Mar 31, 2009 | read the article | tags: subway
i’ve just missed the train. no more than 2 min later anotherone came. work, work!=)
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tzz, să-i fac umpic de reclamă lui moșu’ care a scris un articol «copywriting la kilogram» vrei să vezi mai mult? click pe linkul anterior =)
| read the article | tags: me
îmi place soarele ăsta d-afar?. smells like spring spirit =). în plus, sigur voi întârzia la lucru =)
| read the article | tags: me
în ultima vreme postez mai rar. stop. mici proiecte îmi ocupă tot timpul. stop. promit să-mi regăsesc ritmul d-acum câteva zile. stop. bye!
06:18 pm on Mar 30, 2009 | read the article | tags: me, music
youtube has recommended this for me: (lily allen: smile)
| read the article | tags: remote
via amelie: 4th of april: autor, contemporary jewelery fair @ sub_carturesti, magheru ave.
10:04 pm on Mar 28, 2009 | read the article | tags: music
seems like this weekend is dedicated to music. here’s two pieces i’ve found last year. whitesnake: soldier of fortune (unplugged); whitesnake: too many tears (unplugged);
| read the article | tags: subway
i’m dreaming at big tasty.. with fries and cola..
| read the article | tags: subway
tomorrow will be 1h shorter. switching to daylight saving time.
| read the article | tags: me, openmind, remote
what would you (like to) do to win this t-shirt?
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