09:49 am on Mar 24, 2009 | read the article | tags: subway
today i really feel the terrible draft from the tube stop. am i getting old?
| read the article | tags: music
i never though i would post this kind of song here, but it reminds me of some nice moments spent over the past two months. inna with hot.
| read the article | tags: muviz
studio cinema, @4.00pm: eldorado (france/belgium, 2008): a man and his burglar =) travel across belgium
05:57 pm on Mar 23, 2009 | read the article | tags: friends, me
blogul ar trebui să fie după chipul și asemănarea celui care îl întreține. am ales varianta asta de microblog datorită asta. ublo există pentru cei cărora le place cum gândesc. mulțumesc chief.
| read the article | tags: bucharest, subway
finally, the two pedestrian traffic-lights in front of the government building are synced.
| read the article | tags: muvis
one of my favorites videos – Grand Content: http://xuri.ro/Q
| read the article | tags: muvis
one of my favorites youtube channels: ted director’s talk.
08:18 pm on Mar 22, 2009 | read the article | tags: replied
O cunoscuta de-ale mele se alinta tot timpul si foloseste diminutive ori de cate ori se poate. Adineauri mi-a spus ca i-a gatit prietenului “ciorbica de pasarica”.
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