11:10 pm on Sep 6, 2011 | read the article | tags: th!nk
și-am mai găsit o cutie de cola zero în frigider …
08:13 pm on Aug 30, 2011 | read the article | tags: sci-tech
aaas’s «nasa at a turning point» webinar is over. conclusions:
10:37 pm on Jun 9, 2011 | read the article | tags: sci-tech
it’ll be a busy summer. just ordered a launchpad msp430, a maple (rev5), a fez domino from watterott electronic. already have a propeller platform sd and plenty of arduino. i’m trying to choose the best platform for next year’s lectures.
01:00 am on Jun 1, 2011 | read the article | tags: sci-tech
playing with an arduino and a few boards i’ve got from watterott i needed a simple solution for safely connecting the 3.3V boards to the 5V arduino’s I2C/TWI interface. searching the web i’ve found an article addressing this problem without using some unavailable chips. the solution uses 4 general purpose NPN transistors and 6 resistors. i’ve built and tested the bi-directional level shifter and it worked fine getting data from a ITG3200 gyro, an ADXL345 accelerometer and a HMC5843 magnetometer, all connected at once.
08:46 pm on May 12, 2011 | read the article | tags: replied
experiența din ultima vreme cu d.v. mi-a confirmat câteva lucruri:
| read the article | tags: th!nk
cât de responsabili suntem, prin ceea ce publicăm pe internet, față de generațiile următoare? dacă peste câteva sute de ani supraviețuiește doar o parte din informație și generațiile viitoare încearcă să rezolve puzzle-ul și să stabilească modul nostru de viață? cât de departe vor fi de adevăr?
11:01 pm on May 9, 2011 | read the article | tags: remote
playing with arduino. i’ve managed to connect the em406 gps module and the hmc 5843 3d compass. it’s quite cool. soon i’ll have a working tricorder =) btw, tuvok and the doctor are really cool =)
06:15 pm on Apr 8, 2011 | read the article | tags: remote
happy birthday, linux
09:19 am on Apr 1, 2011 | read the article | tags: remote
«în familia în care ma aflu» – spune felix – «unul pândește pe celălalt și-l cred capabil pe fiecare, pentru bani, de cele mai mari mârșăvii»
george călinescu – enigma otiliei (1938)
01:10 am on Mar 29, 2011 | read the article | tags: remote
my first post from my brand new 11′ macbook air =). 10x chief.
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