12:50 pm on Jan 28, 2012 | read the article | tags: education
căutam ceva pe harddisk-ul cu arhive și am dat de un document la care am lucrat acum un an și ceva, având la bază structura cursului conf. dr. Gabriel Gâjâilă de la USAMV însă cu conținutul compilat din mai multe cursuri open (dintre care menționez Cellular and Molecular Immunology din MIT OCW și Undergraduate Immunology al lui Mike Clark de la Universitatea din Cambridge).
cursul nu l-am terminat deoarece și-a atins scopul. în plus, pentru cei interesați de preluarea suportului și folosirea lui pentru educație (și aici mă refer la personalul didactic) pot pune la dispoziție în schimbul unei adrese de email, documentul în format editabil (Open Office Impress).
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i’ve got a bunch of sensors form my PhD. thesis. i won’t bother you with the details =). unfortunately i wasn’t very inspired in my choosing and i ended up with a bunch of accurate, but hard to access sensors. the ones i’m talking about are MPL115A1, SHT15 and TSL230R all from my favorite provider watterott.
i’ve roamed the internet for a while to find myself some Arduino libraries to access the sensors but failed to find what i wanted. so here’s what i came up with MPL115A1 Arduino library, SHT15 Arduino library and TSL230R Arduino library. the code is provided “as-is” and the work is based on roaming drone’s TSL230R tutorial, jim lindblom’s sparkfun MPL115A1 example code and nathan seidle’s sparkfun SHT15 example code.
tomorrow i’ll update this post with an example code and some wiring diagrams.
10:35 am on Jan 26, 2012 | read the article | tags: replied
n-am fost niciodată vocal în legătură cu industria online din românia, deși am avut partea mea de experiențe în domeniu. știu mizeriile care se întâmplă, știu cum se fac banii, știu ce înseamnă rebate și cât de găunoasă e o regie. știu că dacă ți-ai ratat cariera una dintre cele mai ușoare soluții e să te transformi în consultant new media. am văzut pseudo-vedete venind și plecând.
ce mă enervează e că jegul a acoperit ultimul colțișor care spunea lucrurilor pe nume, zoso.ro/update. mie personal o să-mi lipsească. deja renunțasem la ziare online și site-uri de știri în favoarea lui. vali, sper să revi asupra deciziei și să ții minte comentariul meu. poate ar trebui să închizi blogul pentru gușteri și să-l păstrezi doar pentru cei care sunt dispuși să plătească.
12:42 am on Jan 8, 2012 | read the article | tags: music
jack white & black milk – royal mega
11:20 pm on Jan 7, 2012 | read the article | tags: sci-tech
Should we expect a new revolution in physics, this time with logic arguments and not for justifying huge funds with flipping coins and counting particles (link)? Here’s a recent paper describing how gravity can be considered a consequence of the information, not as a fundamental force. In my humble opinion, this idea has the necessary beauty to kick us beyond Einstein’s general relativity.
Erik P. Verlinde – On the Origins of Gravity and the Laws of Newton
(image courtesy: nasaimages.org)
03:30 pm on Dec 20, 2011 | read the article | tags: hobby
yesterday, i’ve posted my wrapper library for the windows COM port with the promise of posting the actual C program that uses it. to compile it you need mingw (see here my tutorial on how to get it up and running). the program is simple and writes in the text.txt file whatever it receives on the serial interface, but no more than MAXLINES lines (in this case, 10 lines). you need to save the previous code as “serial.h” in the same directory as the code below. then, compile it and that’s it! =)
ask whatever questions here, and i will answer.
#include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> #include "serial.h" // the number of lines read from the serial interface. // good for data acquisition for a specified amount of time. #define MAXLINES 10 int main (int argc, int ** argv) { HANDLE comPort; FILE * f; char buffer[32]; unsigned short int readbits = 0; unsigned long int lines = 0; unsigned short int c; // my COM port is COM15. be sure to change it accordingly if ((comPort = openSerialConsole("\\\\.\\COM15")) == (void *) NULL) { printf ("Error: COM Port!\n"); return 1; } // open the file "text.txt". change it for a different file f = fopen ("test.txt", "w+"); // read online MAXLINES lines while (lines < MAXLINES) { // readbits is the number of bytes read from the COM port while ((readbits = readFromSerialConsole(comPort, buffer, 32)) != 0) { // a good thing to check that the readbits+1 character marks the end // of the string. saves you from "Segmentation fault!" errors buffer[readbits] = 0; // check buffer for ENDL character for (c = 0; c<readbits; c++) if (buffer[c] == '\n') { lines++; if (lines == MAXLINES) buffer[c] = 0; } // output to the standard IO, and printf("%s", buffer); // to the file fprintf(f, "%s", buffer); } } // close the file handle fclose (f); // close the COM port closeSerialConsole(comPort); return 0; }
07:14 pm on Dec 19, 2011 | read the article | tags: replied
dom’ profesor, multumesc frumos pentru sampanie =)
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searching for a way to read the serial port in windows using C (usually i do my programming under linux), i found a cute little wrapper for the serial port here. i don’t like .NET that’s why i’ve wanted a pure C implementation. here’s the code (most of it from the source). read the comments as it saved me a lot of problems accessing higher COM ports. remember to escape the characters in the string!
HANDLE openSerialConsole (LPCSTR p) { // LPCSTR p is a string containing the name of the device // in Windows namespace, the safest way to access the COM ports // is to use the \\.\COMxx syntax. remember, p is a string // and \ escapes characters so p should really be "\\\\.\\COMxx" HANDLE h; DCB params = {0}; COMMTIMEOUTS timeouts = {0}; h = CreateFile ( p, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, // the way we want to interact with the COM port 0, // not the wisest way to open the device as it takes exclusive control over NULL, // no security attributes, meaning no child process access OPEN_EXISTING, // only if we have a COM port 0, // some things i didn't understood completely NULL); if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { printf("Error: Could not create handle!\n"); return (void *) NULL; } params.DCBlength = sizeof(params); if (!GetCommState(h, ¶ms)) { printf("Error: Setting COM State!\n"); CloseHandle (h); return (void *) NULL; } // 9600 bauds, with a 8N1 format params.BaudRate=CBR_9600; params.ByteSize=8; params.Parity=NOPARITY; params.StopBits=ONESTOPBIT; if (!SetCommState(h, ¶ms)) { printf("Error: Setting BAUD!\n"); CloseHandle (h); return (void *) NULL; } // timeouts, avoid hanging timeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout=50; timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant=50; timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier=10; timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant=50; timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier=10; if (!SetCommTimeouts(h, &timeouts)) { printf("Error: Setting timeouts!\n"); CloseHandle (h); return (void *) NULL; } return h; } unsigned long int readFromSerialConsole ( HANDLE h, char * buffer, int size ) { unsigned long int bytes = 0; COMSTAT status; unsigned long int errors; ClearCommError (h, &errors, &status); if (status.cbInQue > 0) { size = status.cbInQue > size ? size : status.cbInQue; if (ReadFile(h, buffer, size, &bytes, NULL) && bytes != 0) return bytes; } return bytes; } unsigned long int writeToSerialConsole(HANDLE h, char * buffer, int size) { unsigned long int bytes = 0; if (!WriteFile(h, buffer, size, &bytes, NULL)); return bytes; } void closeSerialConsole (HANDLE h) { CloseHandle (h); }
01:31 am on Dec 18, 2011 | read the article | tags: music
ken hensley – lady in black
11:28 pm on Dec 17, 2011 | read the article | tags: hobby
first time i heard about mingw was from florin manea, then a lecturer at the university of bucharest, faculty of mathematics. i didn’t pay to much attention to it as i was a dedicated gentoo user. time has passed, and the table turned, me being the one to teach a small course on physical computing at the physics faculty. student’s have various backgrounds but none comes from a computer science oriented faculty, so i had to show them how to connect the μC serial output to their windows environment.
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